Saturday, December 18, 2010


For sometime now, I have been thinking of coming out with my own personal blog.  Not for anything, the idea is to record in words and pictures the adventures I experience and share it with those who care to follow.   Yes, there have been those who got interested in what I am doing especially when am on-the-road or on vacation, interested to know about my new experiences.

Some people have been asking me to share information about my experiences everytime I post a picture in facebook or a notice in my fb status.  I realize that yes, there are things that I go through that not all people have experienced it and it would be nice to document and share it with them.

I have been egged on this by some friends, but cold feet and time constraint prevented me from doing it so.  This, until one day, I sat down and told myself ‘let’s do it’.

This is a blog where we talk about life’s adventures and feastings and just about anything including reflections of recent events. I do not aspire for anything in doing this.  We just want to have is a station where we reaveal life’s experiences to others in order that we may have something to talk about and enrich each other.  We also would want to talk about the feasting that we do when I break bread with my friends.  Some of my friends do want to know where to get the best food when they go to places I have visited.  This is the reason why I call this blog Mannyfeastation, playing on my name and the words manifestation (i.e., reveal), feast and station

When we talk about feasting, we do not aspire to be a food critic.  We are just fascinated by that constant search for the ultimate cheap dining experience even if it happens in a hole-in-the-wall resto or a food stand.  This is something we would want to share with everyone when we have some 'food finds'.

We hope that at the end of the day, we will have something good to talk about, something that interests us to keep us connected and exchange ideas as well as interests.

Please feel free to visit and comment with each posting hoping that I won’t bore you.